
Friday, October 21, 2011


Playgro hanging stroller toy (used) RM15 - SOLD

Mothercare seahorse toy (used) RM7 - SOLD

Hanging multi-sensorial toy (used) RM12 - SOLD

Soft skittle and ball set (used) RM15 - SOLD

Playgro cot frieze or foldable multisensorial book (used) RM10 - SOLD

Mothercare Rabbit spinning toy (used) RM15 - SOLD

Bear rattle toy (used) RM7 - SOLD

Fisher Price textured book/toy (used) RM10 - SOLD

Winnie the Pooh toy (used) RM7 - SOLD

Fisher Price activity blocks (used) RM10 - SOLD

Early Learning Centre driving toy, to attach to stroller (used) RM25 - SOLD

Mirror lights activity, attach to side of cot (used) RM10 - SOLD

Inflatable Lion punchbag ELC,UK (used) - SOLD

Playmobil dragon and viking set (new) - RM25
2 sets available   - 2 sets SOLD

Spider mirror hanging toy (used) RM15 - SOLD

Playmobil Princess set (new) RM15 - SOLD

Mega bloks 70 pieces (new)  RM55 - SOLD

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